Thursday 10 April 2014

National Trust Cake - An Institution

Phew where has the week gone? We’re at Wednesday  Thursday already and I haven’t blogged about Sunday’s volunteering at Packwood. Eeek bad blogger!

Thought I’d mix things up a little (see what I did there – baking pun!) by making today’s post a recipe blog of the two types of cakes I baked to share with my fellow volunteers on Sunday. They went down pretty well if I do say so myself (proud face) – even if I did issue them with a disclaimer regarding my soggy bottom! Needless to say National Trust Volunteers are a forgiving breed so long as the taste is good!

Banana & Choc Chunk Muffins
If I were on GBBO these would be my signature bake but they really are best on the day of bake and up to 2 days later. If they don’t all get eaten (or you don’t want to eat them all yourself!) they freeze really well.


100g (4oz) butter (soft if possible)
2 Eggs
175g (6oz) caster sugar
225g (8oz) self raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons milk (I used Soya)
2 ripe bananas
Bar of Dark Choc (I used Aldi/Lidl basic 30p dark chocolate bar 200g)

Method (Makes 12) 

  1. Preheat oven to gas mark 5
  2. Without opening packet bash chocolate with rolling pin to  break into chunks – set aside
  3. Put 12 muffin cases into muffin tray
  4. Mash 2 bananas with a fork until ‘sloppy’
  5. Add milk & eggs to bananas & mix with fork
  6. Now in a mixing bowl combine butter, sugar, flour, baking powder and all wet ingredients – I mixed with a hand mixer
  7.  Mix until combined but don’t over mix
  8. Stir in chocolate pieces until evenly distributed in mix – don’t over stir
  9. Divide equally into 12 muffin cases
  10. Bake in the middle of preheated oven until muffins are risen, golden brown on top and are coming away slightly from the edges of the paper cases.

Lemon Drizzle Cupcakes
These were a bit of an experiment. They were lush but definitely need some more technical perfecting! The sponge was gorgeously light and moist, had a flat top (perfect as a cupcake) and tasted really lemony but an over generous hand with the lemon curd meant the weight made it sink to the bottom of such a light sponge…hence the soggy bottom. I'm sure you will do better!


175g Self Raising Flour
½ Tsp Baking powder
175g Butter (soft)
175g Caster Sugar
2 Eggs
1 lemon skin grated
Lemon curd (Less than 1tsp per cake)

For the topping:
Juice of one lemon
2-3 Tbsp caster sugar

Method: Makes 12

  1. Preheat oven to gas Mark 5
  2. Put 12 muffin cases into muffin tray
  3.  Grate 1 lemon & set aside rind (don't throw away lemon we use it later!)
  4. Cream butter and sugar until the mix turns pale
  5. Sieve flour & baking powder and add eggs to butter/sugar mix
  6.  Mix until combined and mixture is smooth
  7.  Fold in grated lemon rind – don’t over stir 
  8.  Fill 12 muffin cases 2/3 full
  9.  Spoon in A LITTLE lemon curd (less than 1 tsp) to the centre of each case
  10. Cover with last 1/3 of mixture
  11.  Bake in the centre of a preheated oven until golden brown and coming away from the edges of the cases (toothpick poked into the centre comes out clean)

1.       While the cakes are baking make the ‘topping’ this is much more of a drizzle
2.       Add the juice of 1 lemon to 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and stir

When the cakes are done and cooling on a wire rack drizzle a spoonful of the topping over each cake while still warm. You can poke holes in the cakes to get the drizzle to penetrate further but I didn't and they were still super lemony and yummy.

If you make these, please do post in the comments section and let me know how you got on.

Happy baking!

Banana & Choc Muffins

Lemon drizzle cupcakes

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